Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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new blog since this one is 99% full on pictures. If you want an invite please comment here or email me


Monday, August 3, 2009

Adlanna is 23months old!!!

You know what that means!!! Birthday party coming soon! We have finally picked Sep. 5th for the party! At our house in Cedar. Please let me know if your able to come and I can send you the details!!!

This post will be all about Adlanna!!!
  • Adlanna loves to sign songs with us, she loves to read books to us and have us read to her. She loves to bring a toy over and have you help her play. She loves to color but insists on giving you a certain color and joining her.
  • She loves playing outside and loves to pull weeds, and water the flowers. She always reaches for the apples on our tree and just cant wait to actually be able to pick one.
  • she loves to fold her arms for prayers but hasn't caught on to AMEN yet.
  • she loves eating cereal and milk for breakfast now, and is usually not very messy with it. She eats PB and honey sandwhiches a lot because she wont eat much of other things, so she is still pretty picky! She still would eat any fruit and in large quantities if mom would let her. she loves milk and asks for it often.
  • Adlanna loves to say words she knows and talks a lot, but is not putting two words she knows together like we would like. she can say cheese and cake but will not say cheesecake. We are working on getting her to say multiple words together, which sometimes she does with no problem. Last night she said HELP DADDY.
  • She has finally remembered the word PLEASE and will say it now instead of just YEAH!
  • She is still obsessed with shoes... any and all kind
  • she can get dressed all by herself. Sometimes she has problems getting pants over her diapered bum... and sometimes socks are hard.
  • Adlanna said FART this morning it sounded like FARF : She also heard someone farting this weekend (I won't mention who) and made a face and said POOP LOL
  • Adlanna is the biggest helper, she helped us load the truck before we left for the weekend, help loaded back up to come home, she helps put things away and she even puts her clothes away in the hamper if it's DIRTY or in the drawer if it's clean. She is always wanting to clean if she see's a washcloth she immediatly finds something to rub it on and "clean"
  • Adlanna does NOT like the vacumn
  • Adlanna has the cutest run ever, she throws her arms back and forth and sometimes hits herself in the face, but she is so excited she doesn't care.
Adlanna is such a blessing in our lives, she makes me smile multiple times a day and is happy and in a good mood MOST of the time... there is that occassional before or after a nap that she gets fussy but for the majority of the time she is happy and excited to help or play. :) I love watching her grow up and learn new things, even if it does make me sad that she is growing too fast. She is going to be the best big sister ever!


The King Family said...

She sure is cute!

heidijogoody said...

Her hair is getting long! thanks for sharing all these fun facts about her

Grammy Sherie said...

This was really fun to read! I enjoyed reading about Adlanna. I really enjoyed seeing her and I will attest that for sure that her run is the BEST!

Love to you all,