This is what Adlanna likes to do in the kitchen, she walks around opening all the drawers, then walks back through closing them all. HA HA
She loved spinning the wheel on the stroller for entertainment.
Here are the pics I told you about, She was a copy cat so had to lay on her tummy when mom got down there for pics... and then she wasn't happy when I got up. HA HA they are all backwards. I have lots more photos to post from last weekend I will do my best to get to them, we have been PRETTY busy here though.
So I took some DANG cute photos of Adlanna before the weekend and was going to post them for you here, but my camera card is in the bedroom that Adlanna is trying to go to bed in, so I will update this post with pics later.
Monday I had my OB appointment, this was the first time I had seen my OB since my failed glucose test... so it was good to go in and see what is going to change with my whole pregnancy OB appointments.
Basically I get to go in every 2weeks now instead of once a month, so he can review my glucose levels and diet journal. In case my levels get worse and they need to add insulin to my day. IF that were to happen I think he said weekly appointments with non-stress tests too. For now he is not worried that I am over once a day because it's not by much... *sigh of relief*
He also said that we will do an ultrasound again later on to guestimate the baby's weight and if the baby is over 10.5lbs they want to do a C-section...
anyway that is the update... so we are just carrying on with the diet and adding more physical activity daily (my house is pretty dang clean.... since that is a workout all in it's own) and adding walks into the day after each meal etc. to help keep numbers low. (thanks to Jessica for her advice and support through this frusterating time)
I did also have 2 days in a row that I was NOT high once... today I was high once but only by 1point... YEAH!!!
Anyway, pictures later, and the weekend update with more pics.. :)
This Is 4.
5 years ago
Even though you might not like the circumstances it is still nice to know that you will be monitored closely throughout the pregnancy
Sounds like you are keeping things in check. That is great! I cannot wait to see the photos of cute Adlanna!
Love you guys!
I agree, very cute pictures of Addie!
I love all the pictures. She is such a cute thing. I love her outfit
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