It was pretty un-eventful overall. We painted the bed some more... still needs a coat or two over some reddish areas, we worked on the garage door to the shed... and by "WE" I mean "CHRIS" He won't let me paint and I really don't know how to help with the shed.
We relaxed, and cleaned ... Chris worked on Saturday because his work has listed the equipment to sell ... to help not have to lay anyone off and they sold one that they currently need so although OT is off limits! They had to work Friday to get as much work in with that piece of equipment before today when the buyer picked it up.
Sorry this is random and all over the place... I have only a few pics... because I'm a slacker and didn't take my camera. But On Sat. Chris did take an hour or two off to go to New Harmony for Jaylee's birthday party... which was so cute! They had the house decorated like Twilight... which was weird for an 11yr old to be into a movie and book series I like! But anyway, Lisa did a great job the cake had an apple on top and everything it was very cute! They had these masks... like the prom and so Adlanna just loved to look through hers then throw her head back and fake laugh... It cracked us up!
Today I had my OB appointment- which I was excited for because I like seeing how much I gain or lose and I like overall being able to ask questions and feel like someone is checking in on me. However I was a little not excited because I thought I remembered that at the 28week appointment they do .... examination.... for a strep test thing ... anyway... So I wasn't thrilled.
GOOD NEWS! no exam!!! HEE HEE
First I get there and the hospital is on the generator their power is off, so he is only seeing OB appointments LUCKY me... so they said they couldn't weight me, but the bathroom lights were on so go pee in a cup. LOL By the time I got out of the bathroom the lights were back on so they could weigh me... I lost another 1 pound. :) *which I don't mind at all*
Then the Dr. came in and we went over my numbers which I might add are GREAT! I did have two high numbers (yes even one that was 173) in the last two weeks but it was strictly what I ate and on vacation sometimes at places that don't have much choice you do the best you can... good thing that hike was moments later! Anyway he was so proud that I had like AT LEAST half of my days without a single high number! WAHOOOOOOOO go ahead congratulate me, I'm excited!!!!
OK, enough gloating... So then we played 20 questions because I actually made a list of things that have been up in my mind... so I'll just share.
- Q. Muscle relaxers- I ended up calling in last week because I couldn't take this back labor anymore... seriously my back has NEVER hurt so bad in my life, brings me to tears and pain reliever doesn't help and I have to get into stink bug position and make my legs to numb just to get it to lighten enough to breath normally... :( So they said I could get some muscle relaxers... Which he said may or may not help for contractions anyway... anyway I had to remind him to write me that RX (which I didn't realize among the craziness that I left it there!)
***** OFF the subject but since I brought it up- Contractions I have only had like 2 since my last pregnancy update... Very relieved!!!**** - Q. Back Labor- what is it, why do I have it, and is it going to go away if she shifts... A. it's not likely to go away now that I have it... just do what I can to get through it and try the muscle relaxers, hot pad, stretches, and anything else I can think of
- Q. I have been SICK more often... e.i. all last week... WHY. *like morning sickness nauseous, not wanting to eat or do anything feeling yucky and sick to my stomach. A. don't know could be hormones, or the diet, something your eating... etc. *thanks Mr. helpful*
- Q. I am hungry all the time now, in between meals and snacks and it makes it harder to not eat before my 2hrs is up to poke, or to stay on schedule, what do you suggest. A. Talk to Tiffany (the dietitian) she can give you more ideas for bigger snacks and meals that should help,- he said he remembers his wife eating a lot of carrots because she had GD.
- How big am I measuring- the last two appointments he has gone back to measuring my belly and I wanted to know how big I'm measuring!!! A. 30 weeks... *shrug* I always measured two weeks ahead with Adlanna... so this doesn't worry me*
- Q. When is "later" for the Ultrasound. * I am thinking like 32-36weeks...* A. 38weeks so we have an accurate weight guestimation for delivery time... WAIT WHAT? Seriously Adlanna came at 39 weeks so if this baby is too big and my body decides she is coming early there ain't no way she is staying in until 38weeks... so that freaks me out that I will be in labor before we get the US and know how big she is... because the BIG baby idea freaks me out!-- of course I didn't tell him that! but I will bug him about doing it earlier if I have more BAD labor...
- Q. IF I go into early labor again and have to come in to get it to stop where do I go, ER, your office, Labor and delivery... who can help me??? A. labor and delivery, call him first IF it's during business hours, but Labor and delivery can stop it the fastest... (he thought this was a GREAT question!!)
- Q. When is the normal time to bump me to weekly appointments **Gee guys I just forgot and was curious.. I'm not anxious* A. 36 weeks... if I last that long and keep good numbers that will be the plan, if the GD gets crazy then we will switch much sooner!
- Q. cannot stop drinking...seriously I am so THIRSTY all day long no matter what or how much I drink... which makes me have to pee like 20-30mins all day long it's annoying... what is making me so darn thirsty... A. maybe the GD- another question for Tiffany.
I have put in a call to Tiffany already to ask her some questions because I have to figure out how to get the thirst to stop no one can live each day needing a potty every 30min. its impossible! And I need some food ideas because I get sick if I am starving and I wait to eat because of my schedule... maybe this will help the Nauseaousness go away... *Shrug*
I know, boring update... but what can you do. This week is Chris' b-day so I am trying to plan some stuff for that, and this weekend my fav. holiday my entire family is suppose to be coming down but the original plan hasn't worked out where we were going etc... so who knows really what the plan is.. my place is to at least eat a smore and watch fireworks... I really don't care where!
p.s. Sherie told me that Grandpa Jensen would take 1 little bite size piece of a candy bar each night and that wouldn't spike his glucose and the dr. and dietician ok-ed that I could try a little bite of something here or there... and good news I have tried potatoes and they don't seem to really bother me, as long at it is 1 serv. or less... and I had a handful of m&m's the other night. *WHEW I have ben craving* and I was like 93 when I poked.. YEAH!!! So I think I will get to eat 1 smore... for the 4th.
Another randomness the baby wedged her foot or arm or who knows what up under my ribs the other day twice and AH! it hurt... she shouldn't be big enough to do that yet!
Adlannas update: this is short . She talks and babbles all day, she says
- "there you go"
- "your welcome"- sounds hylerious!
- tired? (when I yawn)
- ou-whoa= ou-wee...
- Better - sound like BARE
Ok, and I have a burp cloth giveaway going on at the buzz, so head over now and enter to win! :)