So yesterday I had my 38week O.B. Appointment... this is the appointment he was going to go over the ultrasound and strip my membranes... well let me tell you this visit was anything but typical and anything but fun.
I gained another 2 lbs, and was still dialated to a 3 and 80%, and he was shocked as well as I was that I hadn't budged... the night before I was having contractions from 1:30 am to 6:30 am only seven minutes apart then poof at 6:30-am they stopped. So I figured I had at least dilated... nope...
He had a hard time finding the heartbeat and then when he found it he said it wasn't as loud or strong or something and wanted me to go get a NST (non stress test) So over to labor and delivery I went... so did anyone remember to ask or get membranes stripped nope.. :( Also he wanted to schedule my inducement on the 15th at 4am.
Once at labor and delivery the nurses freaked me out by saying I was here because of decreased fetal movement and Dr. Gatherum sent me right over to get checked... Plus I like being aware of what's going on and I wasn't and didn't know what to expect etc... by myself etc... **DEEP BREATH**
So I get hooked all up more jelly on the belly etc and the lady says the test takes 20min and the baby has to meet the criteria within that time frame. So I asked what the criteria was and she nicely explained it is that the baby has to have an increased heart beat twice within that 20min... because the heartrate should go up when the baby moves and that shows good blood and oxygyn flow... So off she went...
Let me preferance by saying the monitor was up SO LOUD I swear the entire labor and delivery could hear my baby's ocean and heartbeat... cause that's what you hear all the fluid running around and the heartbeat... anyway maybe not the whole L&D section but at least into the hallway, that loud.
ok, so i'm sitting there talking to Addie who is strapped in her stroller (thank goodness for that) but just out of reach, she says poop... which I can't do a thing about being all strapped up, so she proceeds to poop and stink up the entire room..., then my alarm on my phone goes off across the room and I can't get it ..... just had to listen to the alarm ring over and over and over again. Then (this will explain my stress level) the baby decides to KICK the monitor... she wasn't moving other than BOOM kicked the monitor right where it counts LOL which makes a loud THUD... and again the volume was up so loud it was defening to hear the thud... over and over and over again THUD THUD THUD she want'ed that thing off her... Well I couldn't help myself I found this hysterical... so here I am laughing, which makes MORE LOUD noises across the whole monitor in between the THUD THUD THUD... I was crying I was laughing so hard... (I laugh when scared or stressed) Which made Adlanna laugh because mom was laughing so here we are in this stressful room area etc laughing our heads off... I think they all thought we were crazy.
Finally I got released the baby had done her job... and I was good to go. So they handed me another inducement paper saying to call an hour in advance to make sure the whole town isn't in labor and they don't have a room for me. GRRRRRRR, I took that time to ask a bunch of questions which didn't really tell me anything or make me feel better just made me break out the tears.
So I get to wake up at 3am to call to make sure I can go in, then sit there for what sounds like the longest hour of my life. Not to mention i doubt i'll sleep the night before.......*shaking my head*
So I was pretty nervous yesterday not knowing what to really expect with an inducement. ... so I had to track Joane down and get the scoop and listening to her story step by step I feel much better and prepared... BUT I will say I still cross my fingers and pray she comes before tuesday, feel free to join me.
oh 1 last thing. I have been asked and gotten A LOT of comments for a variety of people saying they are sorry and why my dr. always stresses me out etc... Let me say I LOVE MY OB. Never had a problem with him... love him. He is a sweet guy and apologized a few times when he saw my dissappointment in being a 3 still and said with a smile "a 3+" trying to make me feel better.... I think it seems that way from my stories because I am a stress case... I wish this wasn't the case, however having cold after cold after cold and then GD and all these things happen that i'm not prepared for and have no idea what it really means and being out of my comfort zone because again I like to be in the KNOW and being prepared really helps relax me... so yes every time something new comes up that I am not sure what 1000% that means I start stressing... so it is me not the OB. I hope this helps clarify things. p.s. I don't deal with chance easily either. :(
This Is 4.
6 years ago
1 comment:
I had to get several of those NST tests done when I was pregnant with the girls. I am glad to hear that baby passed and hopefully you go into labor on your own but if not you have comfort in knowing you can go in on the 15th of nothing else! Good luck
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