Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Labor story

**warning may contain some adult content or TMI**

So I was to arrive at the hospital at 4am, as we walked in we hadn't even made it to the reception desk before the nurse asked if I was Brandy and directed us straight to the room. By 4:30am I was all hooked up the to IV with petocin going in. They said they up the dose every 30minutes until the labor gets steady... 6 contractions in a 10min period or until I start dilating.

So by 7am they checked me and said I was a 5.5-6 dilated and 90% effaced. The O.B. Came in and told me that we were going to pop my water. I had been told by a few people that they don't have to pop your water and so I told him I wanted to wait because I had gone from a 4-nearly 6 already so they didn't need to up the dose it was finally steady and popping the water makes it all hurt much much more etc. Plus I had family that hadn't arrived yet, and were still hours away. He told me that he wanted to continue on and pop it. But then I also heard him correct the nurse and say I was only a 5. So then I felt discouraged. LOL

So They called the anesteiologist for the epidural because last time it took him 2 hrs and 45min to arrive and if they were popping my water I wanted him on his way. GLAD I did that. They called him and waited 20min then popped my water... which was WIERD and totally soaked me. Then the PAIN began... yeah I was already feeling a lot of pressure and some pain down there...
After they popped my water I felt a lot of pain down there and lots of bad contractions... Thank goodness the epidural arrived just 30min into that. The Dang guy had to poke me 3 different times and put the epidural in 3 different areas to finally get it to work, and yes I felt that hurt too... much much more than with my epidural with Adlanna. Finally the 3rd time worked and they had me lay back down... (I was shaking so bad I thought I was going to pass out from pain) The contractions started to lessen and were more managable... but the pain down there, which at this point was SIGNIFIGANT was not getting any better... so I asked the nurse and she said the epidural may not help that areas pain. OH GREAT!!!!!!

A few more contractions (which is when the pain down there was the greatest- it was like I could feel myself dilating) and I was crying, it was very scary and very painful. Glad the contractions were gone since both pains together would have been completely unbearable. Then suddenly It felt like something was on it's way out, so I had her check me... just minutes after the epidural which was like 40min after my water had been popped. I was a 7.5...... from a 5-7.5 in 40min. WOW.........

About 45min later again I felt like something was on it's way out, so I asked to be checked again... and sure enough I was a 9.5..... a few min later and boom a 10, she asked if I felt like I needed to push and I told her no, twice... then about 45min later I finally really felt like I needed to push and the OB had arrived just in time. First set of contractions I pushed OUCHIE!!!!! the pain down there increased since she was on the move... the second set of contractions out she popped. THANK GOODNESS as soon as she came out the pain down there was numb. WHEW!

Unfortunatly it was a whirlwind from there... The only people who had made it was my parents and brother, so there was a shortage of people so no pics of the baby on the scale or my tummy or anything... :( and I felt terrible that both my mother in law and sister were still driving and hadn't made it. :( *sorry guys!* 5 hrs is just not a lot of time!

They put the baby on my belly and Chris cut the cord and immediatly I felt her pee all over me. LOL, then they wiped her down and passed her to be weighed and measured etc. When I got her back I felt like she had peed on me again, so I told them and she had pooped all over me that time LOL

Adlanna watched her sister come out and was just in awe, it was cute. I was just so happy to have here finally here. I tried nursing and Jennalee just went right to town she knew right what to do. Then they gave her her first bath because again she had pooped all in her swaddled blanket, and immediatly after the bath she pooped all over again, this girl was a pooping machine LOL

They went to put a bow in her hair and my dad told them he wanted a blue bow, so the nurse went on a hunt to find a blue bow, she returned with green, black and pink. Daddy picked black, and it was beautiful. So then we started passing the baby around and taking lots of pictures. That is when Sherie arrived.

A few hours later Brittany and kids arrived. Adlanna had a lot of fun following the baby being passed from person to person so she could keep an eye on the baby, and she had a lot of fun going on walks with Grammy Sherie, and taking a million pretend pictures with the play camera aunt Brittany bought her. Thanks everyone who came down and helped follow Adlanna around and entertain her and support us.

Jennalee has an adorable cry it sounds like a fake baby doll cry and her hiccups and sneezes are equally as cute. She is a BIG TIME snorter... she cries and just snorts over and over and over again, I don't think her nostrils are big enough LOL She is a great little sleeper and had big beautiful eyes. We found a birth mark on her right wrist, and she is just so tiny it's strange to think she is the exact weight Adlanna was but 3 inches SHORTER although when you see her cheeks you know where the weight is. LOL I think they grow each hour. :)
She does look a great deal like her daddy, but a few of us have seen mommy in her, and she does look a lot like Adlanna... more so in pictures in real life it's not so much but similar. She has lots of light brown reddish hair it looks pretty thick. I think she has Chris' nose and chin for sure. :)
She scored a 9 on her 1min apgar and a 10 on her 5min apgar. She was very pink and pretty.

It was very strange being able to have her in my room and be able to see and hold her whenever I wanted since Adlanna was stuck in the nursery with an IV ... It was so strange because I don't remember ever changing Adlanna's bum when she was stinky or for any reason other then to wake her up to eat... and this one had so many poop diapers and that tar is really gross. LOL It was like a whole new experience having her in my room and getting to do more with her in the first three days.

We were cleared to be released just a short 24hr after her arrival and I could have chosen to stay but with my famly all down I thought it would be more fun for everyone to have her at home with more room and food and access to more entertainment for Adlanna, not to mention it was our 4yr anniversary so it was a nice gift to be able to take my baby home. So we left the hospital on the 16th at like 1pm.



The King Family said...

SO cute! SO we couldn't come, This week was a busy and crappy one for us! Glad everything went well, cant wait to get down there and see her in real life!

Grammy Sherie said...

I can't wait until I can see her again! She is a doll! I now have officially heard of the moments that I missed. Thanks for sharing.
Love you guys!

The Ross Family said...

Congratulations!!! She's SO CUTE!! I love her hair! Glad you're both doing well.