Last night it was Chris' night to cook, so Adlanna and I played out back while dad bbq'ed chicken and made funeral potatoes... oh it was GOOOOOD! We had a picnic out there on the card table and Adlanna sat up to the table like a big girl no straps, and she ate MOST of her potatoes and all of her chicken... (she wanted more chicken which we didn't have because she NEVER eats that stuff)
It was fun to see what a big girl she is, she only spilled once and she was so well behaved!
So another note she has eaten all sorts of things the last few days.. hamburgers etc... that she will normally NOT eat! IT is so wonderful and helps me feel better that she is eating real food.
She also will grab your chin if your eating or if your pretending to eat and move your chin up and down like making you chew and make a "mmmmmmmmmmmm" sound... then she will grab her own chin and do it... LOL
And dad taught her to say YUCKY which is so funny to hear!
Picnics are the best! I love the nice weather
That is nice that you can feed her outside and she will be so grown up! Mmmmm BBQ chicken . . . I am jealous! I guess I better get some supper.
You guys stay happy and keep smiling. Aren't kids great!
Hey Congratulations! I didn't even know you were pregnant. I always forget to check private blogs since they don't update on my side bar. Two girls is so much fun.
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