Daisypath Anniversary tickers
I had to start a
new blog since this one is 99% full on pictures. If you want an invite please comment here or email me


Friday, January 16, 2009

A much needed update

So Adlanna gets cuter everyday. She is saying I love you more often, she even said it to Grandma nancy on the phone. She randomly started shaking her head & or nodding to answer questions WHICH IS SO helpful to know exactly what she wants. We read a book we got from Grammy Sherie for Christmas for the first time last night, and she LOVES it! AND SO DO I!!! Seriously the cutest book ever, it has animals of the alphabet and each one you can touch and feel, there are even pop ups... seriously it was the cutest thing watching Adlanna explore and touch everything on every page, and get excited when she felt the different textures!! She also learned to say Juice, and put on her boots all by herself. Walking around with the cabbage patch shoe on
Yesterday she insisted on wearing the cabbage patch dolls shoe. It fit on her toes basically but she walked around limping to keep it on her foot, I took pictures with my phone... so they aren't the best but it was funny!up close of the cabbage patch shoesee her boots she put on with her jammies?

She climbs up on our barstools... the first time I turned around and she was up on one, right next to scissors and a cut of water that I was soaking a paintbrush in... So she could get into so much trouble. I have been moving the barstool out into the living room so she can't reach anything naughty, and that was she will also land on a softer surface if she falls. Which we have been practicing getting back down she does quite well actually a few times she lands on her feet then her bum, but still that is pretty impresive for as high as a barstool is.
She climbs up on my office chair and reaches the same naughty stuff but we just pull it away from the desk and the counter so she can't grab anything. There is always things on the computer desk that she shouldn't get into like the new flat screen, pens I have usually been using , receipts to balance the checkbook , important papers etc... too much to clean up and just not worry about. The counter will be clean and ok for her to reach but not in the middle of a craft, and not when I have been cutting coupons.she is lifting up her boot cause I asked her to show it to me.

Chris has been really really sweet, the last two days I have just been OUT of COMISSION.. seriously I just laid on the couch ALL day yesterday, a little less on Wed. but I just felt awful, I think I caught a bug, it is the worst I have felt in a REALLY REALLY long time. This morning I feel a little better at the moment, but that's good because I was nervous I would have to cancel this weekends trip, and there is so many reasons we NEED to go this weekend, it would be sad and frusterating!!! So cross your fingers I feel this good or better today, so I can pack and be ready to go by the time Chris gets home from work. He had to work until 8pm last night so *shrug* I got a exciting phone call yesterday.. my best friend in AL Joane called and we just talked and talked and talked until my phone battery was completely dead and going to hang up on her. I miss you Joane!!! I am so excited because she goes in like 2 weeks to get an ultrasound and find out the gender of her little gummy bear. :)Stylish girl boots with a dress!

Last night on the travel channel my Cousin's show premiered "Notorious" this week was on San Fransisco and the reasons it is notorious with murders, riots etc. I have only seen half of it so far, but the narrators voice is so familiar. Well done RICK !!!
She still loves her house!

Before I got sick I was working on getting more organized. I created a freezer inventory sheet, and a pantry inventory, a bath and body inventory, spice inventory and baking supplies inventory. That way I know what I have and can keep track of what I need to stock up on when the sales match up! I am excited, I haven't filled them out yet, because I got sick, but I love organizing so this is getting me excited!!!!

I have been getting a lot of feedback on the photography blog, I am very excited so far of the response. So thank you to all of you who actually told me your thoughts and signed up for sessions, I appreciate it! Also for those of you who don't know I am working on getting a bigger portfolio up online, so I am looking for models. I am also running cheap sessions until I get some more examples up on the blog, before I start advertising big time. Anyway check it out HERE
and sign up for a session for $35.00 since I personally know you, instead of the $50.00 on the blog. This is a limited time so hurry and sign up! *and spread the word* feel free to take a button and add it to your blog to help cross promote.

The videos are in the wrong order, I would watch the bottom one first, and know that It has been so long since I did video that I forgot you can't change direction... Sorry its sideways!


heidijogoody said...

Adlanna sounds like my girls. I don't think my house could get any more baby proof but if I don't do it the girls are into everything! Addie is a cute as always

kevin and angie said...

Being a mom is so much fun!! Watching them grow and learn new things is one of the greatest things to experience. Sounds like your Adlanna is a busy girl!!