Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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new blog since this one is 99% full on pictures. If you want an invite please comment here or email me


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Most Improved Award Goes to...

So Adlanna has been practicing using utensils... and last night she never gave up and used her hands, she used a fork to eat lasagna... it was awesome! (and not very messy!)
This morning like most mornings I gave her yogurt and a spoon. Usually she has yogurt up to her elbows, down her front, up to her forehead... Today notice that it's just one little spot on her cheek! AND the spoon isn't completely covered like normal! YEAH!!!!!I don't think I have mentioned Adlanna says STUCK she has for a while, but I always forget to tell you. Yesterday she climbed up the slide 3 times and would get to the top ready to go down then start crying saying "STUCK, STUCK STUCK" It was SAD!

This is the rag quilt I just finished for the baby shower this weekend. I am so excited to see her face when she sees it!!! :)


heidijogoody said...

Isn't it the best when kids learn how to start to feed themselves. I love it that I can just put the girls in their high chairs and they can go to town. Some days are a little more messy then others but that is all part of the learning. You know what is so funny I am posting chicken tenders for my food for thought tomorrow!

Grammy Sherie said...

Addie is learning so fast! She is so big... growing up to fast.

The quilt for the shower is very cute! Great job! Have a good weekend! Hope to see you!

Love ya, Grammy