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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

HE Said: She Said: First Time We Met

So I know I said I was going to do these once a week, but seriously it's harder to get Chris to write a paragraph then I thought. HA HA And this one he wrote a week ago, but I am not only finding time to post it!

He Said She Said: The first time they met
We scheduled a time to hang out, and we were meeting at Joane's parents house. So I showed up at their house and waited and waited and waited, Just about to leave, when they showed up 1/2hr late. So we hop in Brandy's Xterra (the one I will never live down for selling. Hopefully someday though) We went to Chili's with Mike, Brittany, Joane, Holly and after dinner we went to a comedy club, which weas't my cup of tea. Not too funny, but as she as I was and hate crowds like I do it's hard to enjoy a place like that. But a hard price to pay to hand out with people, but obviously I liked it enough to keep hanging out...

So the first night we met, I was nervous you never know when a guy is going to be a hottie or not... and this wasn't a date, but I was meeting a guy for the first time either way! We agreed to all meet in Riverton at Joane's parents house, since this was like a halfway point between our apartment and Chris' house in Mosida. Anyway, I remember it was my sister Brittany, Joane, Mike, Holli, Chris and me... that's all I remember... I actually think there were more people there... like Tom?? but *shrug* I bet my journal would tell me. I rember that Joane and I were late... who knows why prob. changing outfits a few times! And I walked in and saw Chris immediatly, I remember thinking he had the lightest eyebrows I had ever seen... well blonde eyebrows aren't common! Everyone was there sitting around the dinner table with Joane's parents.... I love her parents they are great. I miss them! *oh, sorry off the subject*
Anyway, so we had dinner planned at Chilis. I remember we were in a booth and snug! Mike ordered the chicken fried steak... I had chicken fingers with corn on the cob which I didn't eat.
Then we ran to the comedy club where we watched some improve and laughed and laughed and laughed. I think at the comedy club was the first time I heard Chris say a word... I wish I remember what it was he said, but I dont. That was like the whole sentance he said all night though, I DO remember that!

That's all I remember LOL. Boring I know... understand why I wasn't dying to post this...? Well actually I am excited now that my paragraph is done, so I can read Chris'!!! DANG! I just typed up Chris' which is the first time I read his... and it sounds painful.... :( sad day. BUT since I already typed it all up, I'm going to publish it anyway! strange how similar our details are...


Grammy Sherie said...

Very Fun! this is good to get down on paper while you can still remember a little!
Ready for the next weeks post! ;-)


Brook said...

Oh my goodness they are getting so BIG!!!
And they're growing more beautiful by the day.
I'm glad things seem to be going well, (I skimmed because I have to pee like non other!).

I also love your frosted branch pictures, very pretty! :)