Saturday we got our first REAL snow storm... The news said we would get snow starting early and by 3pm we didn't have any, we ran to Walmart and when we left at 6 it was a blizzard. I was in flip flops... yeah that's right, I was annoyed that it hadn't snowed by 3pm so I figured if I wore them it would snow.. that's how it works! Driving home I got hysterical, we slid all over the place and were at a red light a few too many signals because our car wouldn't go at ALL... ok I lied, we INCHED!
On Sunday Chris was on Snow Patrol for work, so Adlanna and I went in with him all bundled up and played in the snow while Chris worked, and we finally got to see Chris' new office. :) HE got his own desk and everything!!!
Today I ran to walgreens to get a few killer deals.. (more on that later) While I was there I found out that Lisa and Jason Morrill (Chris' Sister & family) were just in an accident on I15 and rolled their car with the whole family and the dog inside... so Teresa (chris' other sister) had to go to the hospital to help them. So Lacie (our oldest neice) picked up Sadie (our other little neice) and had to drop her off to me on the way to clinicals at Walgreens. So imagine me with two young kids (not too young Sadie is like 10yrs) AND 2 carts... leaving the store... I was pushing one cart and pulling another. So when we got to the car, I set the carts up against the car and unstrapped Adlanna and told Sadie she could run get in the car... because it was WINDY it took a lot of effort just to open the car door against the wind. As soon as I tell Sadie to get in and she is in and the door is shut, there is a gust of wind that takes my basket with my diaper bag flying across the parking lot... meanwhile I had pulled Addie out... so I
RAN across the parking lot with Adlanna in one arm to catch the cart,(so it wouldn't slam into a vehicle) then on my way back my other cart took off in another direction... So I booked it that way, and managed to get my two hands on two carts and a toddler... AHHHHHHH It was madness. So I finally got Addie and put her just on the seat while I held onto the carts and unloaded them with one hand.. and then finally got to strap her in. When I turned to put the carts back one was gone... so somebody watching might have taken it because it was empty... or just needed it... OR it ran off again, because I did spot a cart WAY WAY down the whole isle of cars on the same side, and where one of the carts had taken off in the first place... *deep breath* If this is a glimpse of my life of a mother of two, I am afraid!!!
I asked Sadie if she saw my carts take off when I got in and she said yeah and laughed... HA HA
Ok, so calm down. Lisa's family and dog are OK. They just had some scraps and bruises as far as I know so far, they are even being released from the hospital soon. BUT I don't think they have health insurance, AND now i'm pretty sure their vehicle will be totalled.. at least need repairs... and this time of year money is just so tight already. So please try to remember them in your thoughts and prayers. WE are so greatful that they weren't hurt worse, we really need to count our blessings... and please drive safe. :)
Tonight Lacie is coming to stay the night, there is a blizzard in New Harmony and it's working its way this way and she has class until 8:30pm (dark) so she is just going to slumber it up.. and go to school again in the morning from here. It will be fun to have a visitor. :)
Brittany: I did finally watch the amazing race and saw who won!!! I know I am behind I don't even know who won survivor yet... I should go do that now.
oh before I forget, Adlanna's vocabulary is expanding.. this week she has tried to copy everything I say including :*poop,*pizza This one sounded like pizza,*stapler *pretty.. and a bunch of others, basically anything we told her what it was she would try saying!
She successfully says: mom, dada, more, hi, kitty cat, meow, uh oh,I wanna count UP since she has said that, and i'm telling you pizza sounded like pizza. LOL
fun! cute little gloves, where did ya get those? *wink
Wow the snow looked fun! You took some very cute pictures. Is that all the snow you received? The news showed that it was going to be scary! No fun!
What days are best for an overnight visit. I was thinking that I would take off work if there are days that are good.
Love ya,
cute cute pictures!! your little girl is so adorable!! i love the santa hat!
I still haven't taken the girls out to play in the snow. I want to but I feel like I have been so crazy busy. Enjoy the snow I guess while you have it.
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