Daisypath Anniversary tickers
I had to start a
new blog since this one is 99% full on pictures. If you want an invite please comment here or email me


Friday, February 12, 2010

Bailey's Birthday Party

Brithday girls special bow
Jennalee loves when toddlers dance and sing, she loved Cousin Bailey
Within the first 3minutes, she was excited!
Cute little birthday girl
Chris played
Adlanna thought it was funny dad was on the trampoline

Aunt Josie and Jennalee
on the run, they really never stopped

Adlanna had a crush on this little boy, she kept following him around. he was cute!

Val got in on the fun, he was galloping!

Adlanna showing Bailey to use it on her neck LOL

Michelle getting to hold jenna
She wanted to swing on the big bars with this big girl...

all three kiddos jumping

She loves the beams!!!!!!

this little boy kept falling adlanna around and kept asking to be in the pics with her...

looking kinda tired

a hug for cousins

Bailey on her trike!

chris' brother Cliff and wife Josie threw their daughter Bailey a birthday party and here are the pictures I took. It was a lot of fun they played at the SARC and all the kids just ran wild! :)
Thanks for inviting us Cliff & Josie

Happy Birthday Bailey!

Then there are pics of Adlanna and Jennalee in Grandpa's HUGE chair at the house we stayed in. :) They loved it! Aren't they cute?


heidijogoody said...

What a cute little birthday party! Here are the answers to your questions. We had funny face photography take the goodman pictures. Carter doesn't take a binki very well at all sometimes he will but we basically have to hold it in his mouth. And I am like you I am a very visual person too when it comes to stuff.

Grammy Sherie said...

I agree - they are cute!! They do not fit the chair like Grandpa did! But I know that he would have loved to be there while they were sitting in his chair!

Great pics from the party - glad that you came and rode with me to the party! It was fun!
:x :x :x