Ok, but I need to write it down.
Sunday night I felt the baby move for the first time, I am so glad I finally can feel the little one because it helps to let me know things are ok, the little worm wiggled for hours, and again last night, until my belly hurt!
I found Adlanna's first freckle on her belly between her belly button and her right side.
We were doing body parts yesterday she knows all the following: hair, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, fingers, hands, feet, toes, belly button, tongue, and FINGERS (this I have never asked but she knew them!) Bum, & she knows eyes but we had to practice that a few times before she remembered. She also now says Fuzzy (when we fuzz her back, or sing fuzzy wuzzy) and she says................... It will come to me, It's another biggger word.
A few days ago I was taking her pj's off and I said "arm out" and she said "arm out" clear as day, it made me laugh. Which is also interesting to note, she pulls her arms and legs out when I tell her to, or puts them in when I tell her to, but If we ask where her arms or legs are, she doesn't know... HEE HEE
I think our Easter plans are to go to New Harmony's egg hunt at the park, it was fun last year, and then we can take a pic of all the cousins again.
Brittany and Greg are headed to California on Friday so we will get to eat brunch or lunch with them!!! Britt be sure to tell me a time, if it's around lunch we can use those Chili's coupons!!!!!!!!
Also I should warn everyone that We will have the ultrasound on Wed the 22nd, but we are prob. not going to know the gender that day. I found a cute way to learn the gender so we are going to have the stranger (because who wants to celebrate in front of a stranger) write the gender in a card we will take in, and then seal it, then we will go to dinner and open it as a family to find out... so that may be a few days later... long story when we decide our for sure plans we will let you know, but we will also make calls AS SOON AS WE KNOW... it just might not be on Wed. but it might. Anyway again, it's undecided.
Also Please email me any of your D names ideas, since Joane is afraid she wants to steal it! HA HA HA Joane your silly.
Love us!
This Is 4.
5 years ago
Ooh - such fun things going on! Feeling the baby move, finding out what you're having soon - such excitement! Thanks SO MUCH for letting me know about the udder covers - I snagged myself a blue one. Can't wait to find out what you're having!
yay! thats the best part, if only you lived closer so that sharing these things was easier :(
Addlanna is learning new things every day its seems--such a little cutie!
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