So We are all still alive. IT has been MISERABLE but we are alive. We never got any positive results from our tests so we aren't sure what bug we had BUT it was deadly... at least it made you want to die. IT started out as a chest cold a really hard cough... and your whole body is achey like you worked out at the biggest loser ranch, then a headcold all stuffed up and phlemy and feeling like your head is going to explode then that is gone its just back to the chest cold. Which I might add is really hard being prego. Because coughing= gagging and gagging= puking... I think I have already managed to puke more than my entire pregnancy with Adlanna... your body just learns what to do and makes it a habit. NOT FUN~!
Anyway... i'm glad it's almost over. Chris recovered much quicker.. he had medicine for 1. and 2. he is a big tough guy and his body is a rock!!! He has had some good daddy daughter bonding time with Adlanna... he takes her out in the garage while he is working so I can nap and he just straps Addie in the stroller and gives her a snack and gets stuff done... it's been really nice that she didn't catch it.. that would have been even worse... she still has moments with these two canine teeth that cause her to be fussy but who wouldn't!?!?
Ok so an update with her she says shoes, she said cracker and she now will tell you what an Elephant, cow, cat, dog, lion, duck and daddy says with no prompts. It's adorable! She is very smart she understand when we tell her we are going to be right back and leave her to return later to a happy girl, instead of screaming because she didn't understand when we said we would be right back... before.. I have pics and a story about Vday but i'll save that for later, I don't think I can sit here for that long.
But things are looking better at least the cold is mostly out of the way... it will still be a few weeks before morning sickness is gone (hopefully) and I still have coughing and gagging issues until my chest is clear... but believe me it's BETTER.
hope your all doing well and no one catches this cold, I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy!!!
This Is 4.
5 years ago
I am glad to hear you are doing better but hopefully you can get completely rid of it soon!
It is so good to see that you are well enough to at least send us a text update! I am so sorry that you have been so sick!
Addie sounds so cute! Cannot wait to see her again. It is good that she has such a good DADDY!!! Hmmm he must of had a good mom! JK!!!
I am sure it is because he loves his wife and daughter SOOOOO MUCH!!!
Love to you!
hope it keeps getting better!!
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