Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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Friday, November 20, 2009

All About Adlanna

Adlanna is 33 1/2 inches tall, she weighs 25lbs 8 oz.
She can count to 12
She is nearly potty trained details: First I have to say for notes purposes I might need these details on the next kid. Anyway on Tues she wouldn't keep a diaper on, seriously she just kept taking it off after 6 times I realized she wasn't having accidents and wondered if she knew she could pee in the diapers and pull ups! so we left her naked until she peee'd then we put on some underwear.
  • Round 1: the first day we HARDCORE potty trained she had no accidents before nap time, she refussed to wear a diaper to nap time and woke up peed (I had the whole thing waterproofed no worries) After naptime accident free, that's 10am to 8pm accident free since I don't think nap time counts.
  • Round 2: second day Adlanna had a few accidents before nap time and after nap time she was accident free!
  • Round 3: She was accident free from 7am to errand time, I put her in diego pull up in case, we had to run errands and I wasn't sure she could get to a potty. Errand time was like 10am. Then she finally got put into panties again at like 2pm and was accident free the rest of the day.
  • Round 4: So far 1 accident 3 sucessful trips to the potty.
Ok, so I might be bribing her, what we do is because she didn't want to sit on the potty anymore I think because she didn't know how to release that pee... anyway so we offer her a cinnamon bear to sit on the potty (she loves them) she sits and eats it and that way she is also on the potty long enough to relax and pee!!! She then gets to high five, pound, elbows and get a huge squeezy hug with lots of verbal praise, she learned once she finally went pee in the potty she got big girl underpants that had ELMO on them... she Loves her Elmo panties and they have been a major roll I think in the training, Last night since we were doing so well i went and got some spongebob/dora/blueclues/wonderpets set of big girl panties so she has more options. She is in spongebob pants now. :) I am sure that she understands the concept of panties now because when she has a #1 accident she says wet! and wants to be changed and she is all worried that she got the character wet, she had a #2 accident in Elmo the other day and she cried she was sad! and kept saying "sad" she didn't WANT to poop in there.. :) SUCH A BIG GIRL , I AM SO PROUD OF HER! and Can I add that I am so so glad that I have a bigger car so we can take the potty in with us on roadtrips such as thanksgiving! Oh I almost forgot, when she starts to pee she gets this look on her face, her eyes almost pop out and she nearly screams
PEEEEEEe, and when she fart she says FART and then SEE IT?, and mvoes her bum so you can see in the potty. Cracks me up!

Adlanna interacts with the TV if Dora (her favorite show right now thank heavens for DVR) asks a question she will answer and copy the words and everything it's amazing how smart she is. Dora asked if a skateboard could protect her from the wind, Addie said no, Dora asked if a jump rope could protect her from the wind, she said NO, dora asked if a tent could protect her from the wind she said YEAH! It was amazing!

Adlanna is loving trying on the bows that I let her model and doesn't want to give them back, even if she is naked with no clothes she wants the bow in, she wanted to keep the puff ball bow in all night, this is a new type of bow i'm testing out in different sizes then i'll debut it!

Adlanna loves to hold her sissy, she loves to lay down on the floor and have tummy time together she loves to talk to sissy and get her to smile, she is such a big helper she will go get diapers or wipes or blankets or socks or anything else we ask her for!

All about Jennalee coming soon!


heidijogoody said...

Good job on the potty training! And hey if bribing works you do it :) Her hair is getting so long and she is just as cute as ever

Grammy Sherie said...

What a good place to take pictures - thanks for sharing! they are great! good job! Addie is beautiful

Love you guys!