Jenna is growing WAY too fast. here is some things she is doing daily
- rolls from her tummy to back instantly
- she scootches on her tummy or on her back and she somehow rotates in a circle 180-360degrees it's funny to watch
- She tries to grab things if you show them to her,
- she loves to talk and sing with sister
- she sings herself to sleep when she gets tired she starts singing... I should get this on video
- She goes to bed around 8pm and wakes at 6-7am.
- Her hair isnt blonde yet, its still really red and light light brown or strawberry blonde... hard to tell still.
- She loves her tongue, to sit up, to talk to anyone who will listen
- She is VERY ticklish and laughes every time I get her dressed or undressed, her right arm always does it. She is ticklish other places too but I think her arm is the MOST tickelish
- She stopped puking so much this past week (except for yesterday-- now I think it might be soda pop instead of chocolate still trying to see)
- She is skinny all over but has ROLLS down in her inner thighs...
- She loves to be held and swaddled
- She has a nice sized bald spot
- If you lay her under her toys she will reach up and grab them, and make it turn on.
- If she gets excited she throws her head down and tries to eat you.
- She giggles if you kiss her repeatedly -- one of my favorites!
Adlanna is a wonderful big sister, she loves to lay next to her sister on the floor (as you can see) she loves to talk and play and show her toys and read to her, she loves to have her sissy lay next to her on the dora couch. She loves to give sissy good morning kisses and hugs and says "mournin" (even if she wont give mom a good morning hug she will give sissy one)
She really likes to put her fingers in Jenna's mouth and we don't want her to so we do have to tell her not to put things in jenna's mouth all the time! I think Addie thinks it' s funny that Jenna wants to eat everything.
Let me give you an example why we dont want fingers OR anything in her mouth, Adlanna got a play food set for Christmas it contains a carrot and she tried putting it in Jenna's mouth so she could "eat" it and gagged Jenna in the back of the throat... I WAS MAD. We are teaching Adlanna it's PRETEND food to PRETEND to bite and eat it, not really trying to bite and eat it, good thing it is so sturdy and her really biting it isn't doing anything to it. LOL Good job Melissa & Doug toy company!
Oh she is getting so big! they really do grow too fast
She is precious!!!!
Jenna is a doll! Wish I could spend more time with her! Thanks for taking so many pictures and sharing with us!
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