Jennalee weighs: 9 lbs 15oz and is 21 1/2 inches tall. (Adlanna was 11lbs 2 oz at this age)
She is a very smiley girl and giggles all the time. She is sleeping through the night and now is on a set schedule! It's nice!
she coo's and makes all sorts of noises and talks a lot, she is very strong to sit up when you try holding her, she has little frog legs that kick and kick and kick. She has lots of hair still and it's getting lighter each day, she has a little patch that sticks stright up no matter what I use, it pops up too fast! LOL
She will giggle if you pretend giggle, or if you pretend to tickle her. (videos to come)
Yesterday Adlanna was giggling hysterically and it made Jenna started giggling. :)
This Is 4.
5 years ago
So sweet! Makes me miss her! Come and visit!
love ya, Sherie (grammy)
I love those pictures! I think my favorites are the first and last ones! Her eyes are just popping out of her eyes in the last one!
such a little cutie! yay for you and her that she is sleeping through the night I bet that is great!
what cute pictures, she is adorable!! glad to hear that things are going well!!
SO cute! cant wait to meet her on Sunday!
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