Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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new blog since this one is 99% full on pictures. If you want an invite please comment here or email me


Monday, April 20, 2009

Chris' Fun Run

This past weekend was FULL... I mean like lots of things, busy busy busy!

On Saturday Chris had the first Tractor pull of the year, it was just a fun run to test out the equipment before the first competition pull on May 9th. It was in Washington so it was WARM and nice, we girls sat under a canopy, in camping chairs with snacks and drinks and they even fed us pizza... (who cares if It was Dominoes it was FREE!!) Chris pulled a 52FT pull... and starting this season they changed a rule or two which knocked 2 of the 4 tractors in his weight class into a different class, so his whole competition was 1 tractor. :( Bad news is that he lost... but for his 2nd pull EVER I think it's ok, more practice and we will catch up next pull! At the pull there was this little boy running around that LOVED to flirt with Adlanna, I would say he was 3yrs... she likes them older... but I am not sure she is ready to date... I was totally grossed out by this dirty little boy. At first he was cute, he talked and played with her, and even lifted his shirt to show Adlanna his battle scar *a large scab!* But when he started pulling the scab off and tried to give it to Addie she wasn't impressed, I was so proud of my little girl, she whispered "CUCKA" and hit it out of his hand... GOOD JOB ADDIE! Plus then I didn't have to step in... **Note to self: little boys are GROSS**

Why do I bother putting a bib on??? Daddy took her straight to the tub!

Other accomplishments of the weekend include: Cleaning out my car.. *YEAH!*, cleaning the garage, Playing outback, grocery shopping, going swimming, making 7layer dip, a cheese ball, 4dozen cookies, strawberry shortcake, prepping Chris' lunches for the week (hence so many cookies) & lots of organizing, oh and I can't forget Chris had to take apart my vacumn (AGAIN) to unstuff it so it would suck again... Thanks honey!
Which brings me to a point, I want aDyson animal vac... :) I think i'll start saving and asking for money for holidays so I can someday afford it. :)

shorts were too big
she did not want to keep the swim cover on!

So this comic made me laugh, we had a similar conversation that morning!

On Sunday night the Armstrongs were headed back home from their CA. Vacation so they stopped by and stayed the night, in fact they stayed until about 20min ago. Thanks for the visit guys!!!! It was a lot of fun, and Adlanna loves to play with her cousins. :) (send me the copies of the pics you took britt... in the backyard)

Yeah Wed. is coming so quick I am so excited to see the baby and the heartbeat (*I loved that from last Ultrasound) I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. I saw the most recent POLL results... I didn't know we were so divided!! I wonder who voted for what...

1 comment:

heidijogoody said...

Those swim suits of Addies are so cute! I especially love the picture of it falling off her bumb :)