Daisypath Anniversary tickers
I had to start a
new blog since this one is 99% full on pictures. If you want an invite please comment here or email me


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Adlanna is so BIG

Adlanna is so big she says all sorts of words like: Stuck, Dora, Up, More....
Adlanna is so big she climbs up on everything... she can even get on top the kitchen counters.
Adlanna is so big she sits on the big girl potty.
Adlanna is so big she dances and sings along to her favorite cartoons.
Adlanna is so big she waves hello and goodbye.
Adlanna is so big she knows how to brush her own teeth...
Adlanna is so big she tries really hard to say "I love you"
Adlanna is so big she talks on the phone.
Adlanna is so big she knows her nose, eyes, ears, mouth, head, arms, legs, feet, hands, teeth and toes.
Adlanna is so big she folds her arms for prayers
Adlanna is so big she is going to be a big sister!


Josie said...

I am so excited for you guys! The more I think about it, the more excited I get! COngrats you 3!!! Cant wait to see the new little one- unfortunatly we have a while! hahaha- Hope you feel better with this one, I know last time was tough! Let me know if you need anything!

Grammy Sherie said...

I am excited for me(I mean you) too!
I like the way that you posted the great news! Addie will have a great time with a baby sibling!

heidijogoody said...

Conrats on the news of the new baby! Adlanna is getting so big!

Tiff George said...

Congrats to you guys! Yay - what a fun and creative way to tell everyone. How have you been feeling? Hope all is going well!

kevin and angie said...

CONGRATS!! That is so exciting, when are you due? How have you been feeling? Hope all is going well!!