So the other night we went grocery shopping and found pumpkins... So we had the girls decorate one each, I have 3 gords that Chris and i are going to decorate... they just aren't done yet for pics. Adlanna had the marker for literally 1 second un attended and she drew all over her tray... yeah it came about 80% of the way off is all :(
Adlanna is getting bigger and more helpful, she talks more she interacts more she is more fun all together she is getting to big too fast. Chris always tells me how cute she is and how much fun she is.
We have been busy with bow orders and ordering more supplies to make more varietys of thing those are to come once I get them all up it will be weeks i'm sure. We have finally planned both kids halloween costumes so thats fun, and we are excited for the holiday.
Chris has a tractor pull this weekend here in Cedar city, so that's fun, even though it's majorly COLD.
We are officially looking for a minivan... it's just really really uncomfortable and squishy in our car and nearly impossible to pack the car for roadtrips up north and back... so we figure if we sell our car and make a switch we should break about even. :)
Jennalee is back to waking twice each night, i shouldn't have jinxed myself and told you I was able to sleep cause that only lasted those two days. She often has a problem latching when nursing so we occassionally have to do a formula bottle because i'm too tender and the pain does't allow her to get enough milk so then i'm nursing more which makes me more sore, so if we have a bad day then we have a formula bottle... about once that day... not everyday so that's nice and the formula we are using came from the hospital so no extra cost yet, also a nice thing! She is getting too big, she smiles more often now and I finally got her this week to smile at me by talking to her, Daddy sings to her and gets big smiles so it's a lot of fun.
Adlanna is to the point now that she will only hold her for a min then she wants to push her off of her... before she would hold her for hours if we let her even if Jenna was screaming LOL Now she's got more things to do. She is really into this train and she drives it back and forth across the entire house saying choo choo all day it's funny, she takes it into the potty and everything.
Potty now that that came up, she really loves sitting on the potty and will remember to go after she has already gone so she just has a few drops in the potty but it's a work in progress... she loves the pull ups with diego on them and so we tell her not to pee on diego. LOL She also is now being bribed by money, she loves gathering daddy's change and putting it in her piggy bank and I figure that's a better bribe than food dont' want her thinking she gets candy for everything. Yesterday alone we were in the potty trying like 10-15times and 3 of those were with me nursing Jennalee at the same time... its amazing what you learn to do while nursing LOL
Adlanna is really interested when i'm feeding the baby to come and sit by me and most of you know we got this baby for her to feed and burp and change at the same time which has worked wonderfully. Anyway the other day she grabber her baby and sat next to me just holding her, so I told her why don't you feed your baby and she pulled up her shirt said "milk" and put her baby up to her chest. It was so dang cute!! Made me giggle. So we of course showed daddy when he got home he laughed. Then she proceeded to change sides when I did and burp her baby. She finally realized her baby talks so she is really excited about that. Of course I didn't have the phoen to take a pic that time, but yesterday I asked her to feed her baby to see if she would grab the bottle or just nurse her and again she nursed so i was prepared and took these...
then we had fun taking other pics together, don't mind that she is naked, easier to take on and off the pull ups 15times a day, also she didn't want to get dressed and I picked my battle LOL
IF you dont' check out my buzz blog you won't know that I was asked to put up a giveaway for 3 pairs of pj's from dillards that retails for 78dollars EACH, and I recently was contacted to test some ecofriendly products and then blog about them and give some to my readers... it's nice to be asked to do things instead of tracking down my own sponsors. Plus more freebies for me and that's what this is about! :) AND for those of you who don't enter giveaways i will tell you that I just KEEP winning, I won some DARLING cute shoes for Jennalee's blessing dress, and i won some home cleaner all natural stuff, and a necklace and reusable ziplocks and piggy paint and all sorts of GREAT items so enter it's easy! A Friend of mine told me some hints, enter as many times as you can, don't worry about when your comments are in the list and try to enter ones that have 150entries or less... I watch to see how many followers that blog has too. :) it pays to enter! p.s. Right now i have 3 different items (5 actually since two items have two winners) up for grabs so go enter!!
I just previewed this post... WOW you can totally tell which camera phone was chris' and which was mine... horrible difference! I can't wait to get my camera back just a week now. :)